Blades are susceptible to extensive wear and tear. Therefore, it’s best to know when you’ve maximized their lifespan. Check out these four signs you need a band saw blade replacement for more information.
Cracks and Fractures on the Blade
Cracks and fractures on the blade are another sign you need a band saw blade replacement. Generally, dull blades produce heat quicker than new blades. Additionally, dull blades tend to cut slower, which creates cracking and fractures on the blade. The fractures and cracks indicate stress from overuse. When you perform a visual inspection of the band saw blade and notice cracks, it’s time to consider a replacement.
Stripped Blade Teeth
If you constantly increase the feed pressure to create efficient cuts or notice slow cutting, your blade’s teeth are starting to strip. You will also notice excessive heat as the blade overworks itself to cut material. Stripping is a part of natural deterioration, and it’s a sign that your blade fulfilled its lifespan.
Loud and Squeaky Noises
Machines produce a lot of noise. While working with your bandsaw, you become familiar with the sounds of your equipment. However, if the saw squeaks and you notice excessive noise, it’s time for a new blade. Additionally, if the blade cuts slower than usual with increased sound, this further indicates that you need an updated blade.
Inaccurate Cutting
People prefer bandsaw blades for metal cutting because they create satisfying, clean cuts. Over time, the blades deteriorate and produce inaccurate cuts. When you undergo a project, precision is necessary for accurate dimensions and overall quality of work. Dealing with wrong cuts is frustrating, and the way to combat this annoyance is to replace the blade.
Replace your blades with the best products. If you’re interested in carbide band saw blades, Detroit Band Saw Works is the right supplier for you! We carry high-quality blades that will cut through various metal materials. Browse our website for blade options today.