Band Saw Blades
We have industrial and residential blades for every type of band saw and cutting application. This includes soft materials (e.g., foam, cardboard, wood, PVC, etc.) as well as certain metals — think bronze or copper. On the other end of the spectrum, if you need the right blade for slicing space-age metals, like titanium and Hastelloy Alloy®, we can help with that, too. Read our blog for tips and tricks of the trade.
Our Process
Detroit Band Saw provides custom blades made to your exact length and specifications:
- Weld-to-length blades
- Grinding both blade sides for a smooth finish after welding
- Creating a continuous tooth pattern after welding via blade grinding
Band Saw Blade Categories
Metal Cutting Blades (64)
Wood Working Blades (13)
Carbide and Diamond Saw Blades (59)
Portable Band Saw Blades (4)
Our Manufacturers
Below are listed some of the premier manufacturers dedicated to providing the most advanced cutting tools in the business.
Roentgen USA began producing metal cutting saw blades in Germany in 1798. The hallmark of their business has been fine workmanship coupled with tough German steel.
Amada Machinery America, Inc. has been in the business of providing high-quality band saw blades for more than 70 years. From 1/4″ Carbon to 3-1/4″ Bimetal, the quality and performance are outstanding.
Since 1958, Wikus has produced high-tech tools for industry and trade. Wikus blades are used where the highest precision, finest quality, and maximum power are required.
M.K. Morse manufactures a comprehensive line of hand and power tools. Products include band saw blades, hole saws, and recips. When it comes to service, no one is better.