There’s no one-size-fits-all band saw, which is why it’s so important to select the right tool for the job. Check out this quick guide on what you need to know before buying a metal cutting band saw. After reviewing these tips, you’ll be ready to purchase the ideal machine. To learn more about it, read this post on what a bandsaw is.
Understanding Band Saw Machines
A band saw machine is a powered saw with a sharp blade. The blade is a continuous band of metal between two wheels used to cut material. Band saws are common for metalworking applications. Their high power and durable strength make them an essential component when slicing metal, steel, and other hard materials.
The Type of Band Saw
Before buying a metal cutting band saw, you need to know the type of band saw you need. Vertical and horizontal band saws are ideal for different situations. Of course, both variations cut metal, but vertical band saws are better for contour cuts. Furthermore, vertical band saws often have stationary blades, making the operator move the metal against the blade. This allows for intricate cuts and better manipulation.
Horizontal band saws cut through thick pieces of metal quickly and efficiently. They’re also good for precise cutting. However, they’re not ideal for intricate cuts and detail. Horizontal band saws are the default option for most fabrication shops, but many operators use vertical band saws too!
Ultimately, the right choice depends on your projects and the types of metal you use. You want to choose a band saw that’s effective and offers good results.
Variable Speed
Every metal is different, and they each benefit from different speeds to complete precise cuts. When searching for a band saw, select a unit with variable speeds. This enables easy speed change and flexibility, meaning you can cut various types of metal without overworking the blades. This helps blades last longer and prevents premature wear and tear.
Additional Features
One of the best things about metal cutting band saws is that they have different features. These features enhance overall performance. However, every band saw doesn’t come with the same additions. Some desirable (and beneficial) features include a semi-automatic, automatic, overhead bundling, and a swivel head.
After buying a band saw, don’t forget to purchase the right blades. At Detroit Band Saw Works, we carry steel-cutting band saw blades and other quality products. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!