Using new band saw blades is amazing for metalwork pieces. However, don’t jump into a new project before breaking in the new blades. Check out these four tips to break in your new band saw blade for help!
Importance of the Break-In Process
When you receive a new band saw blade, the blade’s teeth are extremely sharp. Generally, they’re sharper than what you need for most projects. Breaking in the blades is important to prevent damage and premature wear and tear. Additionally, shaping your blades avoids microscopic damage that you can’t see. You don’t want smalls issues to turn into blade fractures and cracks.
Always Start With a Normal SFPM Speed
The blade break-in process always starts with running the machine at a normal surface speed per minute (SFPM) speed. Depending on the metal you’re cutting, gradually adjust the feed pressure to adjust the cutting rate. It’s always best to start at a normal speed to avoid fast wear and tear. Doing so also helps you assess the current state of the blades.
Pay Attention to the Machine Sound
Another tip to break in your new band saw blade is to pay attention to the machine’s sound. When you increase the SFPM sound, ensure there are no vibrations. Excessive rattling and vibrations can cause premature damage to the blade and ruin the metal you’re working on. Being mindful of sounds is helpful for maximizing lifespan of your band saw blade.
Easy-To-Cut Metal Best Practice
Carbon steel, aluminum, and copper are among the “easy-to-cut” metals. When it’s time to break in your blades, adjust your feed pressure to 50 percent of the standard cutting rate for the first 50 to 100 square inches. Steadily increase the cutting rate two more times until reaching the normal cutting rate.
Hard-To-Cut Metal Best Practice
Hard-to-cut metals include stainless steel, tool steel, and nickel-based alloys. These materials harden quickly, so it’s necessary to use some force when breaking in the blades. After starting at the normal speed, change the rate to 75 percent of the standard cutting rate for the first 25 to 75 square inches. Like easy-to-cut metals, progressively increase the cutting rate until you reach the normal rate. Since the material is hard, expect to change the cutting rate a few times until you reach the normal cutting rate.
Detroit Band Saw Works supplies blades for various band saw machines. Whether you’re interested in portable band saw blades or a carbon hardback, we have the products you need. Please browse our selection of quality items today!